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Showing posts from March, 2020

Masses and Site

Much like the cross discussed in class, a simplistic massing element was initially inserted with the intent being for tinkering. The aim is to provide a 'backbone' for design whilst also allowing for complex expansion that preserves the distinctive identity of the original element. Placement of the initial massing elements allows for complex interconnections which weave in, out and through different planes; resulting in sensations of level, void and volume caused by the seemingly odd interjections that conjoin and manifold separate forms into cardinal spaces. This arises from ruminations regarding a theory of boundaries, from which the uses and potential design of such spaces can be and should be inferred, once grounded and centralised among the surrounding elements and relative spatial placement. An experimental approach in articulating planar height and depth allows for mediation between space and use, blurring the traditional bounds for and within rooms, corridors and commun...

A Theory of Architecture/Motion

True architectural experiences elude temporal delimitation , enchanting an observer’s sensory perceptions of light, space and tactility . Article:    Vroman, Liselotte, and Thierry Lagrange. ‘Human Movement in Public Spaces: The Use and Development of Motion-Oriented Design Strategies’. The Design Journal: Design for Next: Proceedings of the 12th European Academy of Design Conference, Sapienza University of Rome, 12-14 April 2017, Edited by Loredana Di Lucchio, Lorenzo Imbesi, Paul Atkinson, ISBN 978-1-138-09023-1 20, no. sup1 (2017): S3252–S3261. Accessed doi:10.1080/14606925.2017.1352830.

Exploring One point perspectives

Experiment 2 Initial Thoughts

Design Constraints:  Don’t mess with other buildings Don’t mess with trees Don’t clutter up the walkways with supports  Don’t scare people with heights(- it is inappropriate/in-decorous to have a glass floor for a lecture theatre too distracting) Don’t compromise the functionality of the space- skimp out on lecture theatres and workshops Don’t connect redundantly to buildings Don't Just make a clip-on building A Bridge-based design approach has been designated for the undertaking of a new school of architecture, thus one must outline and respond to the sensitive limitations which arise from such a unique design brief. The foremost issue that arises is the sensitivity of the natural and built environment to demolition due to their practical and historic value. All surrounding buildings are spaces in their own right and so must be respected within planning, connecting to spaces is important but one must ensure not to diminish the value of other buildings and spaces through the c...

Cardboard Model Making

This blog post details my procedure for making an archtiectual model of my room thorugh snapshots of the desgin process. This model is made cardboard on a 1: 20 scale. The model itself was initially glued together but due to the thick corrugation the glue started to seep in and lose strength, as a result tape was added for extra reinforcement.

Paper Model Making

In this blog post i will be detailing my procedure for making an archtiectual model of my room thorugh snapshots of the desgin process. This model is made solely of paper, and is made on a 1: 20 scale, 1:10 was recommeded but seemed a bit inpractical so 1:20 was made.

Sehaj Walia ARCH1101 Experiment 1 Final Submission

Three words Sketch Sections Custom Textures Developed Stair Architectural Submission Evidence of Submission Complete Reference List