This task tested our ability to formally and conisely discuss our model making. The tiny nature of the word crippling the ability to add extra detail and reuslting in a refined and avid description of my approach to course actitivites. The pargraph below refers to the imagined space, orginally designed in week 5 and reitterated in week 7, which was made rather spontaneouly by viewing the appeal of elements physically within the models. Enjoy!
I attempted to examine the effectiveness of physical modelling
within design by using different scales and materials as catalysts for thought whilst
creating an imagined space. The initial model was made of paper at 1:50, hence everything
seemed pliable allowing me to make important decisions on larger elements; including
the forms, windows and doors. A 1:20 cardboard iteration provided rigidity in
form diverting focus to the furniture, its intricacies and arrangement, within
the allotted spaces. An additional light source allowed me to refine a space (the
upstairs living quarters) by altering the forms in a more decorous manner. Pleased
with the quality of the output I will henceforth endeavour to include model
making within my architectural design process.
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