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Showing posts from April, 2020

Design Journal 27/04/20: Articulation of space

Lots of ramps were constructed in accordance with Chris' advice. these help to create a journey through the building allows for complex connections between spaces at odd relative depths. The random forms were turned into simplified structural members allowing for the complete construction of the academic complex along the east elevation of the building. The entire South quarter is completed, only glass furniture and materials needing to be added. This contains Academic offices, Dean's office, meeting rooms, a lecture theatre and staff kitchenette. The NE quarter is nearing completion with the open-air courtyard becoming more detailed, sophisticated and interconnected. A second open-air lecture theatre was constructed alongside various ramps and lifts. The section was also grounded for structural integrity but work still remains... Mainly with regards to detailing the outdoor study spaces, Chris suggested a Caffe which is a possibility I am open to examining.  I am also thinking...

Design Journal 26/04/20: General Planning

Use of different colours to distinguish between the different planes that don't need whole flights of stairs, this will help me form a floor plan by simplifying the vertical complexity of the structure and help to integrate functionality.  Alternate roof pitch

Design journal 24/04/2020: Creating a Shell

Desgin Journal 24/04/20: Redsign Begines

After some important feedback, I salvaged what I could from my original building, trying my best to replicate the original scheme. However, much of it was edited and built over. So I began to experiment with what I had, my tutor had to tell me to experiment with circulation within my building not just outside it and so I made that my first exercise. The orange sections below help to visualise motion and between my plan forms. They may possibly turn into stairs in their own right but they help decide the importance of relative elements and planes allowing me to make decisions as to their necessity, function or modification based on their connections with and over role within other parts of the building.

Final Submission

Video Presentation Lazer cut Model 3D Printed Model Handmade Models Written Statement I attempted to examine the effectiveness of physical modelling within design by using different scales and materials as catalysts for thought whilst creating an imagined space. The initial model was made of paper at 1:50, hence everything seemed pliable allowing me to make important decisions on larger elements; including the forms, windows and doors. A 1:20 cardboard iteration provided rigidity in form diverting focus to the furniture, its intricacies and arrangement, within the allotted spaces. An additional light source allowed me to refine a space (the upstairs living quarters) by altering the forms in a more decorous manner. Pleased with the quality of the output I will henceforth endeavour to include model making within ...