My name is Sehaj. I study civil engineering with architecture at UNSW. I don’t want to scare you away! But I prefer you experience this blog personally and intimately. I post for expression, and your viewing pleasure, it’s quite exiting! This will grow as I do, so I extend you an invitation take a look around, make yourselves at home and interact, with what’s on show! To those of you kind enough, I invite you to click the posts and read between the lines(literally!) Hi! My name is Sehaj . I study civil engineering with architecture at UNSW . I am slowly increasing my sentence length for your comfort. As this description goes on my sentences will exponentiate, becoming increasingly complex and intricately detailed. But until then I write simply. This is because I don’t want to scare you away! As we progress, I’d have you note the decreasing formalcy of my tone. Cause I’d prefer you experience this blog personally and intimately . As is...