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Showing posts from May, 2020

Studio 1: School of Architecture Complete Submission

Stage 1: Conception  Introduction  Experiment two was a very prestigious assignment since it involved the design of a school of architecture which should be considered the pinnacle of one’s practice. To help ease the burden of planning, designers were told to consider only a hundred students and to not fuss over any monetary or engineering limitations. This was combined with a unique prompt, ‘the bridge’, to allow flourish new ideas within open architecture. The building should be required to connect between spaces and areas, whilst centring around the Squarehouse, one of the main hubs of architectural learning within UNSW, an important focus also placed on the dynamism, symbolism and timelessness as qualities to be desired.  Initial Perspectives  The design process began with abstract perspectival sketches of cruciform elements, which would become the backbone of any future design.  Initial Element  The element was then selected constructed ...